Al Kooper, (re)discovered

Picked up a 1971 Al Kooper vinyl LP, ‘New York City (You’re A Woman)’ and found I quite liked it. This caused me to revisit a CD I’ve owned for a long time but hadn’t listened to much; Blood Sweat & Tears’ first release- ‘Child Is Father To The Man’.

For me, BS&T’s later albums, recorded after Kooper’s departure (with David Clayton-Thomas singing some of their biggest hits – Spining Wheel, And When I Die, etc.) was etched into my brain as part of the soundtrack to the time when I first discovered music I could somehow identify with. However, the more I play ‘Child Is Father…’ the more I’m convinced Al Kooper had something special going there for a while.

Maybe that first BS&T album will become the soundtrack to another part of my life.

About Marcus

Who me? Introverted, neurotic, self-absorbed, increasingly cynical observer of human nature and part time social critic in hiding. Most of my life spent avoiding growing up. The naive idealistic passions of youth have evolved into the eclectic eccentricities of adulthood. Northeast Florida small-town native, related to people I can't relate to. Simultaneously my own best friend and worst enemy. Politically and spiritually unaffiliated, my personal ideologies put me all over the map or off it completely.
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